Endless Hybrids: work as a journey of creativity

  • Introduction to Bootstrap 4

    Using Bootstrap The current version of Bootstrap is 4.5; new versions come out regularly. When you’re looking at documentation on the web to figure out how to do something in Bootstrap, be sure to note the version number. Version 4 is very different from version 3. So, a lot of older advice about Bootstrap can […]

  • Grids, responsive design, & CSS frameworks

    This articles provides an introduction to grids, responsive design, and CSS frameworks. Grids are a fundamental part of design that makes your life a lot easier. The second part of the article will talk about responsive design: or, how web sites adapt (or respond) to different sizes of screens. The web designer and developer have […]

  • Creativity with CSS

    Week 4 notes for DCI 110: Web Programming for Non-Programmers In video lesson 2, we examined this basic site: It’s okay, but it has some problems. Notice that yellow bar at the very top? That shouldn’t be there. All the fonts are also bland, just the default fonts. The spacing of “Hello, beautiful world” needs […]

  • A cluster of assignments

    This week in Web Programming for Non-programmers we have a cluster of assignments that aims to solidify your basic skills in working with HTML and CSS. Background reading This week read the following: Organizing files for static websites on my blog. View the video CSS for Beginners. Model Code & Critical Thinking Questions (5m). Lesson […]

  • Organizing files for static websites

    One of the most common problems that I’ve seen among students is file management. Or, more precisely, the lack of any kind of file management. If you are a student who depends upon the search function for finding files on you computer, then you need to break that habit. Web development depends upon organized file […]

  • Listening is not learning

    Sitting in a classroom while a professor lectures, or sitting at home watching a video of a professor speaking is not learning. It’s listening. Sometimes it’s not even that. Sometimes, as we all know, even in the classroom you are barely paying any attention. But even if you are attentive, you are only using your […]

  • Pandoc & The Peak of Shenandoah

    Objective: a tutorial for the staff of Shenandoah in processing and uploading new posts to The Peak. The Peak is the blog-like supplement to the twice-yearly Shenandoah literary magazine. Credit for the technical development of The Peak goes to the wonderful work of W&L undergrad Coletta Fuller, who adapted Shenandoah’s primary theme and provided the […]

  • How the Internet Works

    The web. We use it everyday. It makes this very presentation possible. The Internet. The Web. So few people even know the distinction. That’s okay. Today the distinction is largely irrelevant to our everyday lives even as our lives are embedded in the network. How did we get here? How did the web get to […]

  • Weekly 1-minute summary

    In the syllabus you see something called one-minute summary for Week 1, etc. That’s a task you should do for yourself. You do not submit it to me. I’ll never see it. Now is the time to start developing habits of mind for yourself. At the end of each week, take a minute or however […]

  • 2025: Where are you?

    A question prompt for students to think about for their term projects. Visualizing your future is a mental process that aids in exploring options and planning a path forward. The key is to visualize the future and the steps needed to get there. Do not fall into the trap of living in the future. Now, […]