Category: Thoughts

  • Algorithms rather than editors decide my morning reading

    Some years ago the computer intruded on my early morning routine. No longer did I open the door for the morning paper. My breakfast accompaniment went from newsprint to digital pixels. E-mail tugged my attention, followed by a sweep of favorite Web sites, though I often forgot which sites I favored. My disorganized nature overwhelmed […]

  • Software as a collaborative art

    As computer usage shifts from desktop to smartphones and tablets the role of software is resurfacing through apps that are a stark contrast to web sites encased in a browser. Apps offer a broad range of interface options limited mainly by the capabilities of the developer. Of course, that same flexibility gives developers enough rope […]

  • The next big thing is Internet TV, but what does that mean?

    The potential impact of Internet  has grown stronger over the last year. But what does Internet TV even mean? And TV 2.0 certainly isn’t any clearer. Even the word television is difficult. What do people mean when they say television? Are they referring to the huge screen in their living rooms or the shows offered […]

  • 20 years back, 20 years forward

    When I was thirty a friend named Alice told me, “You know you’re getting older when you can say, ‘I remember twenty years ago.’” Twenty years ago I was the twenty-something eagerly telling everybody in the room about the exciting thing called the Internet (capital “I”, please). Except for fellow library school students, eyes glazed […]

  • What are Endless Hybrids?

    From The Language of New Media Lev Manovich presents the compelling argument that the “database becomes the center of the creative process in the computer age”. Databases and narratives are “two competing imaginations, two basic creative impulses, two essential responses to the world. Competing to make meaning out of the world, databases and narrative produce […]

  • Starting with Manovich

    From a post titled Starting with Manovich, February 2, 2005: In the landmark work The Language of New Media Lev Manovich presents the compelling argument that the “[D]atabase becomes the center of the creative process in the computer age”. The focus of digital library development is primarily the digitization of material into discrete digital objects […]

  • The original mission behind this blog

    From Jan 28, 2005: Endless Hybrids explores the intersection of digital libraries, new media, narratology, and game studies in the context of scholarly communications in the humanities. I’m still interested in all those things…but have broadened my thoughts beyond scholarly communications…that was the former academic librarian within me. Now I’m interested more interested in mobile […]

  • Time to reboot this blog

    In 2005 I started a blog on this domain titled Endless Hybrids, focusing largely on libraries and the emerging remix culture. I kept at it for about a year but shifted my attention to my Buenos Aires blog and other writings. For the last couple of years I’ve not blogged much at all anywhere, but […]