Category: Internet TV

  • as the future of TV

    Remember that the word TV is used in many ways. This is about how we use TVs: we watch TV & quite often we watch informative, learning channels. is a subscription-based site providing software training through video tutorials structured in courses that are mostly several hours in length. I’ve used the site off-and-on for […]

  • Forming a channel on the Internet

    The other day I asked,”What is keeping new networks and channels from forming on the Internet?” The answer, of course, is nothing. The answer, of course, is that there already are a significant number of channels on the Internet. We often just don’t think of them that way yet. The old-time TV set had a […]

  • TV networks will never go for it…so what?

    There’s a belief that Internet TV is hampered by the unwillingness of TV networks to license content. The critical question: why does Internet TV need traditional TV programming? As a greater supply of video-based content is built up on the net that is outside of traditional broadcast television then the need for those TV networks […]